Readers in the north suburbs of Chicago can now read the PRINT ONLY March 2014 issue of
Inside Glenview Magazine
"Finding the Right Firewood"
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SPECIALIZING in TRAVEL WRITING, tips for affordable and safe travel to interesting destinations
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-, 2014, 08/01, Magazine Writing Business
-, 2014, 12/01, Writing Opportunities
-, 2015, 01/16, Teaching Writing Classes
-, 2015, 03/01, Query letters
-, 2015, 04/01, Marketing Agent
-, 2015, 05/06, New Markets
-, 2015, 07/20, Growing an Idea Bank
-, 2015, 07/20, Online Presence
-, 2016, 07/18, SEO-Friendly Writing
- Ancestry Magazine, September 2008, Still No Bill
- Champaign County Historical Museum Newsletter, Summer 2007, House with a Life of its Own
- Champaign County, spring 2021, Mom a Big Sister
- Family Chronicle Magazine, Mar/Apr 2014, Canadian Jewish Genealogy
- Grand Magazine, Nov 9, 2012, Genealogy with your Grandchildren
- Inside Glenview Magazine, December 2013, Genealogy Glenview Style
- Prime Life Times, November 2013, Getting Started in Genealogy
- Untangling your Jewish Roots, on
- Business Week Magazine, 2006, 10/09, Launching a Career
- Fortune Magazine, 2008, 07/21, Hoist by our own Petard
- Mosaic: Stories that Changed Lives 2019, 07, Walking Matters
- News-Gazette, 2019, 05/05, Porches
- News-Gazette, 2019, 06/02, Co-exist
- News-Gazette, 2019, 06/23, Family tree
- News-Gazette, 2019, 07/14, Journeys & destinations
- News-Gazette, 2019, 09/14, Pet memory lane
- News-Gazette, 2019, 10/19, Famous people
- News-Gazette, 2019, 11/09, No place like home
- News-Gazette, 2019, 12/01, Downsizing
- News-Gazette, 2020, 03/01, Blanketed by Parents love
- News-Gazette, 2020, 06/07, Lemons into lemonade
- News-Gazette, 2020, 08/23, Joy in Pandemic
- News-Gazette, 2020, 11/08, Accepting what is
- News-Gazette, 2020, 12/12, Zooming thru Pandemic
- News-Gazette, 2021, 01/03, Pandemic pastimes
- News-Gazette, 2021, 01/24, Substitute teaching
- News-Gazette, 2021, 02/21. Road trip
- News-Gazette, 2021, 03/05, Public health
- News-Gazette, 2021, 03/28, Yearning for yarn
- News-Gazette, 2021, 04/11, Friendly skies
- News-Gazette, 2021, 05/30, Making luck
- News-Gazette, 2021, 07/11, More with Less
- News-Gazette, 2021, 08/08, It's 1966!
- News-Gazette, 2021, 08/29, Misusing info
- News-Gazette, 2021, 09/12, Live music
- News-Gazette, 2021, 09/26, Driver's seat
- News-Gazette, 2021, 10/31, Things that didn't kill us
- News-Gazette, 2021, 11/28, Arguing
- News-Gazette, 2021, 12/19, Enough?
- News-Gazette, 2022, 01/02, Recharge battery
- News-Gazette, 2022, 02/20, Letter writing
- News-Gazette, 2022, 03/20, Mary Jane
- News-Gazette, 2022, 04/24, Bring home bacon
- News-Gazette, 2022, 06/19, Reflections from 69 y/o orphan
- News-Gazette, 2022, 07/17, Your birthday
- News-Gazette, 2022, 08/21, Comfort zone
- News-Gazette, 2022, 09/18, Awe of a child
- News-Gazette, 2022, 10/23, Tattoo taboo
- News-Gazette, 2022, 12/11, Healthcare
- News-Gazette, 2022, 12/31, Something to chew on
- News-Gazette, 2023, 01/29, What's up w/shopping?
- News-Gazette, 2023, 02/19, When life gives lemons
- News-Gazette, 2023, 04/09, Postcard from anywhere
- News-Gazette, 2023, 05/28, If I ruled the word
- News-Gazette, 2023, 06/18, They serve & protect
- News-Gazette, 2023, 07/23, Busyness
- News-Gazette, 2023, 10/01, Skeletons
- News-Gazette, 2023, 11/19, Plant-based diet
- News-Gazette, 2024, 01/07, Dear family
- News-Gazette, 2024, 02/11, Date bars
- News-Gazette, 2024, 04/20, All things electronic
- News-Gazette, 2024, 06/22, Great Grandparents
- News-Gazette, 2024, 07/13, Fingers do walking
- News-Gazette, 2024, 08/24, Annoying waits
- News-Gazette, 2024, 09/21, Left-handed
- News-Gazette, 2024, 10/19, Whatever happened?
- News-Gazette, 2024, 11/16, Friends, frenemies
- News-Gazette, 2024, 12/07, Weighing in
- News-Gazette, 2024, 12/28, Swords, subtitles, sex
- News-Gazette, 2025, 01/18, Jimmy Carter
- News-Gazette, 2025, 02/15, Dying right
- Reform Judaism, 2019, 05/15, Bat Mitzvah
- Reform Judaism, 2019, 06/26, Jewish mystique?
- Reform Judaism, 2019, 07/16, Sit with Deceased
- Reform Judaism, 2019, 08/19, Chavurah
- Reform Judaism, 2019, 08/26, Practicing Jew
- Reform Judaism, 2019, 10/16, Family tree
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 06, Roadside assistance
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 03, Save Money with a Motorcycle
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 10, Cheap airfares
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2013, 03, Discount airlines
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 06, Car rental free
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 06, Out of town wedding
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2013, 01/24, Meals while travelling
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2013, 05/03, Trip insurance
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2013, 10/21, Lighthouse lodging
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2014, 05/19, Flying with baby
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2014, 10/02, Luggage
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2015, 03/23, Group travel
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2015, 04/20, National parks
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2016, 06/16, Transporting your Pet
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2017, 01/09, Cruise ship deals
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2017, 04/17, Train travel
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2018, 02/26, Cruise ship jobs
- News-Gazette, 2012, 06/12, Destination Lake Superior
- News-Gazette, 2012, 11/25, Destination Salt Lake City
- News-Gazette, 2013, 06/23, Destination Hamilton Co IN
- News-Gazette, 2013, 08/25, Destination Traverse City MI
- News-Gazette, 2014, 05/25, Destination Boulder CO
- News-Gazette, 2015, 06/19, Destination St Paul MN
- News-Gazette, 2015, 09/20, Destination Galesburg IL
- News-Gazette, 2015, 11/15, Destination Lincoln Highway
- News-Gazette, 2015, 12/21, Destination Great River Road IL
- News-Gazette, 2015. 10/18, Destination Omaha NE
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 09, Destination Nashville TN
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 10, Travel styles
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 11, Uber or Lyft
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 01, Destination Denver
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 03, Destination Vermont
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 06, Destination Arkansas
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 07, Destination Springfield
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 08, Destination St. Louis
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 10, Destination Niagara Falls
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 12, Destination Door County
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 03, Destination Mackinac Island
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 04, Destination Florida
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 09, Destination Branson
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 12, Destination Savannah
- Prime Life Times, 2025, 02, Destination San Antonio
- Chambana Seniors, 2019, 11/15, Election judge
- Chambana Seniors, 2019, 11/22, Holiday experience
- Chambana Seniors: 2019, 10/22, Libraries
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 02, Senior discounts
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 06, Care management for elderly
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2016, 01/01, Silver Sneakers
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2017, 07/03, Age in place
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2018, 07/30, Retirement community
- Dollar Stretcher online, 2018, 09/10, Medicare
- Prime Life Time, 2022, 04, Travel places far
- Prime Life Times, 2013, 12, Museums in Champaign County
- Prime Life Times, 2014, 01, Mahomet, Illinois
- Prime Life Times, 2014, 02, Resale shops
- Prime Life Times, 2015, 08, Choral Union
- Prime Life Times, 2018, 01 Mahjong
- Prime Life Times, 2018, 07, Silver Sneakers
- Prime Life Times, 2018, 08, Swimming
- Prime Life Times, 2018, 09, Train travel
- Prime Life Times, 2018, 10, Visit grandchildren
- Prime Life Times, 2018, 11, Genealogy
- Prime Life Times, 2018, 12, Salvation Army bellringers
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 01, Pickleball
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 02, Dabbling in Dating
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 03, The Illinois Club
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 04, Little Free Library
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 05, Group travel
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 06, Volunteering
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 07, National Parks
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 09, Hearing aids
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 10, Election judge
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 11, Ballroom dance
- Prime Life Times, 2019, 12, Special Christmas
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 01, Ramps
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 03, Cruises
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 04, Massage
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 05, Santa Barbara
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 06, Riverboat cruise
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 07, Pandemic preparedness
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 09, Online shopping
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 10, More on TV
- Prime Life Times, 2020, 12, Travel in uncertain times
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 01, New year's resolutions
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 02, New car purchase
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 03, Tax prep
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 04, Back in the saddle
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 05, Visit an apothecary
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 07, Online dating
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 08, Relocate near grandchildren?
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 10, Dinner theater
- Prime Life Times, 2021, 11, Train travel tips
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 01, Home health
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 02, Trivia time
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 03, Chiropractic
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 04, Travel places far
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 05, Savvy snowbird
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 06, Learn music
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 07, Games
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 08, Life coach
- Prime Life Times, 2022, 12, Hanukkah
- Prime Life Times, 2023, 05, Distant doctors
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 01, Personal trainers
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 02, Housing as you age
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 03, Wheelchairs
- Prime Life Times, 2024, 04, Plant based diet
- Essay writing for a major national testing organization
- Fun for Kidz Magazine, Friends with Disabilities, the visually impaired student at school, July 2013
- Grand Magazine: Debbie's Secret Diary, Feb 25, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Fun in Hamilton County Indiana, Jun 11, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Fun in Hamilton County Indiana, Jun 11, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Letter Writing, Jan 23, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Mothers & Daughters, Mar 29, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Nursing Grandchild, Apr 29, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Poem for my Grandson, Feb 27, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Safety at Grandma's, Feb 25, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Volunteering, Jan 23, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Bullying, Jan 3, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Children's Museums: Jan, 3, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Creative Writing w/your Grandchildren, June 27, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Don't let your Grandchild Make you Sick, June 7, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Fun in Central Illinois w/Grandkids, July 7, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Fun things to do at Grandma's, June 4, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Genealogy with your Grandchildren, November 9, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Gift that keeps on Giving, June 26, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Girls Just Want to Have Funds, July 7, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Grand Times at the Public Library, July 7, 2012
- Grand Magazine: Homespun Activities w/your Grandchild, June 27, 2012
- Grand Magazine: School Pictures, Jan 4, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Substitute teaching, Feb, 20, 2013
- Grand Magazine: Vegetarian Grandchidlren, July 13, 2012
- on Creative Writing Class for Children
THERAPY publications by Debra Karplus
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2004, 09/06, OT Bedside Manner Could Use Improvement
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 01/16, OT: Then & Now
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 01/20, Why Occupational Therapy?
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 01/27, Yoga & OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/04, Wheelchair Wonders
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/10, Home visit safety
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/17, Cursive writing
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/21, Grandmotherly advice
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/28, Mainstreaming for Special Ed
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 03/10, Disability Etiquette
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 03/17, Equestrian Therapy
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 03/24, Advertising OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 03/31, Lessons Learned
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 04/08, President with a Disability
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 04/14, Wheelchair Evolution
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 04/21, Favorite Patients
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 04/28, Rural OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 05/05, Bipolar Disorder
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 05/12, Splints
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 05/19, Willard and Spackman
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 05/27, Industrial Evaluations,
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 06/02, Presentations to Students
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 06/09, Insurance rules!
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 06/12, Working vacation for OTs
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 06/16, Drivers Ed and OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 06/23, Male OTs
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 06/30, Recruiters
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 07/07, Tattoos
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 07/14, Eleanor Clarke Slagle
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 07/21, The ADA
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 07/28, PhD in OT?
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 08/04, Handicapped parking
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 08/11, Squeamish OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 08/18, Gardening (tomatoes)
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 08/25, Manual Muscle Test
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 09/02, Medical Marijuana
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 09/08, Defining OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 09/15, Dress code
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 09/22, OT training?
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 09/29, Travelling OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 10/06, ADHD & OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 10/13, Stigma of Little School Bus
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 10/20, Malpractice
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 10/27, Disability Resource Expo
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/03, Voting & disability
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/10, PRN work & holidays
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/17, Staying well at work
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/24, Service Dogs
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 03/18, Confidentiality
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 04/09, Disability & Mr Magoo
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 05/19, OT and Wii
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 05/26, COPD & OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 06/16, Singing & OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 06/23, Father's Day reminder
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 06/30, Online OT?
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 07/07, Choose health career & debt
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 07/13, Lou Gehrig's Disease
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 07/20, Backpacks
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 07/28, Fishing & ADA
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 08/04, Give credit
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 08/10, Getting along
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 08/17, Mindfulness
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 08/26, Aquatics
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 08/31, Fall prevention
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 09/09, Mom's advice
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 09/16, Respecting disabled
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 09/22, Laughter Yoga
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 09/30, Bike helmets
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 10/16, Joint pain & baby boomers
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 10/27, Helmets for falls
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 10/30, ALS eliminated
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 11/10, Wheelchair sports
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 01/12, English Learners
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 01/18, Therapy on wheels
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 01/26, Body mechanics
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 02/01, Chair yoga
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 02/08, Stroke & memory
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 02/17, Spinal stenosis
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 02/22, Explaining disability
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2016, 03/03, Health fairs
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2017, 01/05, OT for daily tasks
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2017, 01/09, Aging in place
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2017, 01/20, Reflections one-handed
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2017, 01/26, Dog OT
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy, February 1994, Older Adults with Developmental Disabilities
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy, June, 1989, Activites Handbook and Instructor's Guide
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy, November 1994, ADL Evaluations in Long Term Care Facilities
- Grand Magazine, June 12, 2012, Your Grandchild with ADHD
- Grand Magazine, June 12, 2012, Your Grandchild with Asperger Syndrome
- Grand Magazine, May 11, 2012, Your Grandchild with a Physical Disability
- Grand Magazine, November 12, 2012, Grandchild with Developmental Disability
- Grand Magazine, October 8, 2012, Your Grandchild & Special Education
- Item writing for a therapy testing organization
- Journal of Rehabilitation, July 1994, Invaluable Guide to Life after Stroke
- Occupational Therapy Forum, April 3,1989, Wheelchair Accessibility
- Occupational Therapy Forum, July 22,1994, Psychosocial Impact of Stroke on the Family
- Occupational Therapy Forum, May 29,1989, The Self-Employed Occupational Therapist
- Prime Life Times, 2014, 03, Working with an OT
- Prime Life Times, 2016, 03, Bathroom Safety at Home
- Prime Life Times, 2017, 02, Tasks One-handed
- Prime Life Times, 2017, 05, Aging in Place
- Prime Life Times, 2017, 06, Preparing for Hip Surgery
- The Therapist in Business: an Introduction to Private Practice, a book published by Cross Country, 2005
- writer for National Board Certifying Occupational Therapists (NBCOT)
HOME & LIFESTYLE by Debra Karplus or Lee Doppelt
-, Finding Free Firewood
- Back Home Magazine, November 2008, Scavenge for Firewood
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2009, 09, Your Kitchen: a Food Factory
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 02, Food plus Family plus Friends
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 03, Avoiding Layoffs
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 04, Benefits of Volunteering
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 09, Free Firewood
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 10, Dumpster Diving with Panache
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 11, Home Safe Home
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 12, Bartering
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 01,Those Who Can,Teach
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 02, Tots & Tools
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 03, IRA or Roth
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 04, Resale Shops
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 05, Get Paid for Research
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 08, Managing your Banking
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 09, Cutting Back on Tree Trimming
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 10, Should You Be Alarmed?
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 11, Non-Traditional Housing
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 11, Opting for Co-ops
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 01, Be a Smarter Patient
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 04, Farmers Market Selling
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 05, Habitat Store
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 05, Mulching
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 06, Seven Habits of Frugal People
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 07, Magic with Molasses
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 07, Rain Gardens
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 08, Work at Home
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 09, Composting
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 10, Soybeans
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 12, Income from Direct Sales
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2013, 02, Mattresses
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2013, 09, Baby Toys to Make
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2013, 10, Affordable Fences
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2013, 10, Buying a Chainsaw
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2013, 11, Cast Iron Cookware
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 01, Carpeting purchase
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 02, Community College
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 02, Home Safety Improvements
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 03, Income Tax Preparation
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 03, Kale
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 04, Lawn mower purchase
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 05, Pet Sitters
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 07, Selling Stuff Online
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 08, Services at Reduced Cost
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 08, Zoo & Garden Membership
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 09, Washing Machines
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 10, Catering Cheap
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2014, 12, Flowers sent
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 01, Auto loans
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 03, Buying smart
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 03, String trimmers
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 06, Who pays?
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 07, Driveways
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 08, Lottery playing
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 09, Rent-free living
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 10, Frugal or cheap?
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 10, Winter clothes
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 12, Dental scams
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2015, 12, Housing for adult kids
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2016, 01, Frugal not Poor
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2016, 02, Free college
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2016, 02, Retirement employment
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2016, 04, Self employment
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2016, 09, Lottery
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2016, 09, Moving experience
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2016, 11, Drapes & Curtains
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 02, House for sale
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 03, Garden labor-free
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 03, House purchase
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 04, Bicycle Maintenance
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 04, Refrigerators
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 05, Homeowner's associations
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 06, House Won't Sell
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 06, Rain Barrels
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 07, Dehumidifiers
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 08, Blenders/food processors
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 10, Rent out rooms
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 12/31, Things v. Memories
- Dollar Stretcher, 2009, 12, Simplify Your Financial Life
- Dollar Stretcher, 2010, 06, Special Breaks for Aspiring Teachers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 05/11, Essential Appliances
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 07/04, Water Problems
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 08/22, Vegetarian Diet
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 11,11, Gutter Cleaning
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 01/10, Buying Tires
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 01/10, Wood Heat
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 02/06, Nursing Home Insurance
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 05/07, Uses for Palletts
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 09/03, Wedding Planners
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 10/22, Reading Cheap
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 11/18, Mystery Shopping
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 11/23, Make Money by Blogging
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 02/13, Auto advertising
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 02/25, Vacuum Cleaners
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 05/06, Breastfeeding
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/05, Spices & Health
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/20, Emergency room visits
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Bicycle Shopping
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Home Project Management
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Kitchen Stoves
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Lawn Alternatives
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 08/16, Sorghum sweetener
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 08/19, Generosity & Frugality
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 10/10, Raising Backyard Hens
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 12/06, Bed & Breakfast at your Home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 12/16, Gym Membership
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 01/15, Bed & Breakfast, your home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 01/29, Grow Sprouts
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 02/20, Garden plot rented
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 03/28, Baby Food Homemade
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 04/04, A New Roof
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 04/11, TV Studio Audience Participant
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 05/19, Flying with Babies
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 06/09, Home Inspections
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 06/16, Baby Boomer Financial Timeline
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 08/04, Childcare
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 09/12, Chimney Care
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 09/29, Service Auctions
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 10/14, Grocery savings
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 10/17, Sell your home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 12/08, Back to the Land
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 12/16, Baby strollers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 01/15, Mobile Homes
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 03/01, Basements kept Dry
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 03/30, Shoes purchased
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 04/13, Millionaires
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 05/04, Foraging
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 06/01, Home mobility equipment
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 06/22. Funerals
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 07/06, Car sharing
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 10/19, SAD Light Boxes
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 10/19, Snow removal
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 11/09, Rewiring an Old House
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 12/28, Gym equip at home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 01/18, Quit stressful job
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 03/07, Estate sale income
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 03/21, Disability-friendly home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 04/06, Class action suits
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 05/23, Backpacks
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 10/03, Arthritis Devices
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 11/07, Crawl space
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- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 01/30, Beekeeping
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- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 07/10, Dehumidifiers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 08/01, Injury prep
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 08/21, Dog walker
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 09/18, Car seats
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 09/25, Radon
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- Inside Glenview Magazine, 2014, 01, Going Vegetarian
- Inside Glenview Magazine, 2014, 03, Finding the Right Firewood
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FICTION by Lee Doppelt
- Mr. America Mirage, novella by Lee Doppelt, available on
- Young Money, 2010, 03/30, Amos Winbush of CyberSynchs
- Young Money, 2010, 03/23, Rob Carpenter of Friendgiftr
- Entrepreneur Briefing, available on
- Forbes: 2012, April, Sell at the Farmer's Market
- Young Money Magazine, 2009, Spring,Getting the Government to Pay for College
- Young Money Magazine, 2009, Summer, Business of Loan Forgiveness
- Young Money, 2008, 11/19, Is Being an Entrepreneur Right for you?
- Young Money, 2008, 12/10, The ABCs of Substitute Teaching
- Young Money, 2008, 12/11, The Election, Change and You
- Young Money, 2008, 12/24, Six Ways to Avoid those Extra Baggage Charges
- Young Money, 2008, 12/29, Who will Prepare your Taxes this Year?
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- Young Money, 2010, 07/08, Your Credit Score
- Young Money, 2010, 07/10, Choosing the Right Checking Account
National Gallery of Writing Publications
- #1501828 A Career in Law
- #1501106 Adapting to Adaptive Equipment
- #1501931 Write an Excellent College Application Essay
- #1408918 Superior Camp Experience for Children
- #1501325 How to Keep Substitute Teachers Happy
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