What’s Eating your House?
Detecting and Deterring Destructive Household Pests
By Debra L. Karplus
You’ve been away on vacation and are headed home. You drive onto your street only to find that your house is gone. Wake up; it’s just a bad dream. But allowing household pests to nibble away at your home is a slower route to a disappearing house.
It’s more likely that something like this might happen. You’re painting the wooden siding on your garage and, paintbrush in hand; you discover a soft section in the wood. Upon closer scrutiny, you notice that the wood is very thin. As you peel some of it back you find hollow tunnels. Looks like you may have a termite problem, or possibly carpenter ants, which resemble large ants but can do serious damage outside and inside your home.
Or maybe you’re reading the newspaper and enjoying your morning cup of coffee, sitting out on the backyard deck and out of the corner of your eye; you spot a tidy little pile of sawdust on the porch floor. It takes a moment to register in your mind. “Hmmm”, you ponder, “no one has been drilling or sawing anywhere near my deck, where did all this sawdust come from?” Carpenter bees may be making a home in the underside of your porch railings where you can’t immediately detect any damage.
Pets are fine, pests are not.
While dogs and cats make wonderful, loving pets, destructive household insects are nothing but trouble, so get rid of them, quickly. If you see evidence of an insect problem, never ignore it. Carpenter bees resemble other types of large flying insects, and from afar, it’s difficult to identify which type of bee they are. These bees won’t sting you. They’re far more interested in your house than they are in you! If you see bees regularly flying around the wooden soffits near your gutters or by the railings, especially the underside, of your porch or deck, it’s best to check it out. They’re especially active in the spring.
Carpenter bees drill holes overnight with the precision of a power drill in the hands of an expert handyman. They’re attracted to bare wood and untreated deck boards. So the way to deter carpenter bees is obvious; if you already have some holes created by these pests, fill them in with steel wool and then wood putty , then do some touch-up painting on areas of your house that need it so that there’s no bare wood exposed. Use a deck protection or polyurethane finish to keep your deck and railings looking fresh and insect-free. There are sprays specifically for repelling bees and flying insects that can be purchased for less than ten dollars. Periodically, spray areas outside your house that seem to attract these pests. Your probably don’t need the help of an exterminator for carpenter bees.
Termites are tricky to spot.
Since termites don’t do their damage out in the open, pay serious attention to clues that you might have them; you’re not likely to actually see these small white ant-like crawling pests that build narrow tracks or tunnels in your exterior or interior wood, making the wood hollow. These bugs are attracted to moisture and also love picnicking on rotten or dry wood, so store firewood up on racks far away from the house, garage or wooden tool shed on your property. Termites also enjoy snacking on wood in dead trees. One family cut down a small cherry tree in their yard and found the trunk to be hollow and filled with sawdust, and could see the little white critters scurrying away to safety.
If your neighbor’s house has been treated for termites, you’re likely to eventually have a problem with them, as they’ll be looking for a new place to eat. If your house has already been professionally treated for termites, it’s highly likely that the treatment, which is never inexpensive, came with a warranty, possibly a lifetime warranty, and maybe even provide free yearly inspections. If not and you think your home may be vulnerable to potential termite trouble, schedule a yearly inspection.
Though there are potent products that you can purchase at the hardware store or home improvement center to treat for termites, this is a case where spending the extra money and hiring a professional pest control expert is money well spent. They know which methods and chemicals are best for different types of termite infestations, such as a problem outdoors versus indoors.
Insect infestations never go away without intervention, and if left untreated, can virtually destroy your home. Your job is to know what the damage looks like, be able to identify the insect, and take action immediately. Never procrastinate which you suspect you have termites, carpenter ants, or carpenter bees. If ignored, your house becomes a sumptuous buffet for these critters.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
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THERAPY publications by Debra Karplus
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2004, 09/06, OT Bedside Manner Could Use Improvement
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 01/16, OT: Then & Now
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 01/20, Why Occupational Therapy?
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 01/27, Yoga & OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/04, Wheelchair Wonders
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/10, Home visit safety
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 02/21, Grandmotherly advice
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 03/10, Disability Etiquette
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 03/24, Advertising OT
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 03/31, Lessons Learned
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 04/08, President with a Disability
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 04/21, Favorite Patients
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 05/05, Bipolar Disorder
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 05/19, Willard and Spackman
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 05/27, Industrial Evaluations,
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 08/11, Squeamish OT
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 10/27, Disability Resource Expo
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/03, Voting & disability
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/10, PRN work & holidays
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/17, Staying well at work
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2014, 11/24, Service Dogs
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 03/18, Confidentiality
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 04/09, Disability & Mr Magoo
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2015, 05/26, COPD & OT
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- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2017, 01/20, Reflections one-handed
- Advance for OT Practitioners, 2017, 01/26, Dog OT
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy, February 1994, Older Adults with Developmental Disabilities
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy, June, 1989, Activites Handbook and Instructor's Guide
- American Journal of Occupational Therapy, November 1994, ADL Evaluations in Long Term Care Facilities
- Grand Magazine, June 12, 2012, Your Grandchild with ADHD
- Grand Magazine, June 12, 2012, Your Grandchild with Asperger Syndrome
- Grand Magazine, May 11, 2012, Your Grandchild with a Physical Disability
- Grand Magazine, November 12, 2012, Grandchild with Developmental Disability
- Grand Magazine, October 8, 2012, Your Grandchild & Special Education
- Item writing for a therapy testing organization
- Journal of Rehabilitation, July 1994, Invaluable Guide to Life after Stroke
- Occupational Therapy Forum, April 3,1989, Wheelchair Accessibility
- Occupational Therapy Forum, July 22,1994, Psychosocial Impact of Stroke on the Family
- Occupational Therapy Forum, May 29,1989, The Self-Employed Occupational Therapist
- Prime Life Times, 2014, 03, Working with an OT
- Prime Life Times, 2016, 03, Bathroom Safety at Home
- Prime Life Times, 2017, 02, Tasks One-handed
- Prime Life Times, 2017, 05, Aging in Place
- Prime Life Times, 2017, 06, Preparing for Hip Surgery
- The Therapist in Business: an Introduction to Private Practice, a book published by Cross Country, 2005
- writer for National Board Certifying Occupational Therapists (NBCOT)
HOME & LIFESTYLE by Debra Karplus or Lee Doppelt
- Amazon.com, Finding Free Firewood
- Back Home Magazine, November 2008, Scavenge for Firewood
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2009, 09, Your Kitchen: a Food Factory
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 02, Food plus Family plus Friends
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 03, Avoiding Layoffs
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 04, Benefits of Volunteering
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 09, Free Firewood
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 10, Dumpster Diving with Panache
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 11, Home Safe Home
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2010, 12, Bartering
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- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 04, Resale Shops
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- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 10, Should You Be Alarmed?
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- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2011, 11, Opting for Co-ops
- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 01, Be a Smarter Patient
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- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 06, Seven Habits of Frugal People
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- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2012, 07, Rain Gardens
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- Dollar Stretcher Magazine, 2017, 10, Rent out rooms
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 12/31, Things v. Memories
- Dollar Stretcher, 2009, 12, Simplify Your Financial Life
- Dollar Stretcher, 2010, 06, Special Breaks for Aspiring Teachers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 05/11, Essential Appliances
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 07/04, Water Problems
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 08/22, Vegetarian Diet
- Dollar Stretcher, 2011, 11,11, Gutter Cleaning
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 01/10, Buying Tires
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 01/10, Wood Heat
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 02/06, Nursing Home Insurance
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 05/07, Uses for Palletts
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 09/03, Wedding Planners
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 10/22, Reading Cheap
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 11/18, Mystery Shopping
- Dollar Stretcher, 2012, 11/23, Make Money by Blogging
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 02/13, Auto advertising
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 02/25, Vacuum Cleaners
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 05/06, Breastfeeding
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/05, Spices & Health
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/20, Emergency room visits
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Bicycle Shopping
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Home Project Management
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Kitchen Stoves
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 07/23, Lawn Alternatives
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 08/16, Sorghum sweetener
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 08/19, Generosity & Frugality
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 10/10, Raising Backyard Hens
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 12/06, Bed & Breakfast at your Home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2013, 12/16, Gym Membership
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 01/15, Bed & Breakfast, your home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 01/29, Grow Sprouts
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 02/20, Garden plot rented
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 03/28, Baby Food Homemade
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 04/04, A New Roof
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 04/11, TV Studio Audience Participant
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 05/19, Flying with Babies
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 06/09, Home Inspections
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 06/16, Baby Boomer Financial Timeline
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 08/04, Childcare
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 09/12, Chimney Care
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 09/29, Service Auctions
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- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 10/17, Sell your home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 12/08, Back to the Land
- Dollar Stretcher, 2014, 12/16, Baby strollers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 01/15, Mobile Homes
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 03/01, Basements kept Dry
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 03/30, Shoes purchased
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 04/13, Millionaires
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 05/04, Foraging
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 06/01, Home mobility equipment
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 06/22. Funerals
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 07/06, Car sharing
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 10/19, SAD Light Boxes
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 10/19, Snow removal
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 11/09, Rewiring an Old House
- Dollar Stretcher, 2015, 12/28, Gym equip at home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 01/18, Quit stressful job
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 03/07, Estate sale income
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 03/21, Disability-friendly home
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 04/06, Class action suits
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 05/23, Backpacks
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 10/03, Arthritis Devices
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 11/07, Crawl space
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 11/28, Malt
- Dollar Stretcher, 2016, 12/11, Television purchase
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 01/30, Beekeeping
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 02/20, Piano tuned
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 03/06, Transport Motor Homes
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 03/20, Garage door
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 04/24, Asbestos removal
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 05/29, Sofa purchase
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 06/05, Friends & financial advice
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 06/05, Heating ducts cleaned
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 06/12, Power washing
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 06/26, House won't sell
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 07/10, Dehumidifiers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 08/01, Injury prep
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 08/21, Dog walker
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 09/18, Car seats
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 09/25, Radon
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 10/02, Goose control
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 10/09, Car purchase
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 10/16, Lists to save money
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 10/16, Mold solutions
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 10/30, Money-smart preschoolers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 11/06, Golf cart transport
- Dollar Stretcher, 2017, 11/17, Pet for family
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 01/29, Frugal in suburbia
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 02/12, College online
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 02/19, Tutoring service
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 04/02, Sunglasses
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 04/09, Extra income
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 05/14, Sibling disparity
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 05/21, Cookers in kitcher
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 05/28, Roommates
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 06/18, Retreats reduce stress
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 06/25, Selling creations
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 09/03, Ladders
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 09/24, Buying a freezer
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 10/01, Cohousing
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 10/08, Vaporizers and humidifiers
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 10/15, Driving ups income
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 10/15, Electric toothbrush
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 10/22, Bed sheet basics
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 10/29, New bike
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 11/05, Toilets
- Dollar Stretcher, 2018, 11/19, Sales resistance
- Dollar Stretcher, 2019, 05/23, Hiking essentials
- Dollar Stretcher, 2019, 06/23, Dental insurance
- Dollar Stretcher, 2019, 09/06, Furnace replacement
- Inside Glenview Magazine, 2014, 01, Going Vegetarian
- Inside Glenview Magazine, 2014, 03, Finding the Right Firewood
- Inside Glenview Magazine, 2014, 04, Growing Sprouts
- Inside Glenview Magazine, 2014, 05, Bake your own Bread
FICTION by Lee Doppelt
- Mr. America Mirage, novella by Lee Doppelt, available on amazon.com
- Young Money, 2010, 03/30, Amos Winbush of CyberSynchs
- Young Money, 2010, 03/23, Rob Carpenter of Friendgiftr
- Entrepreneur Briefing, available on amazon.com
- Forbes: 2012, April, Sell at the Farmer's Market
- Young Money Magazine, 2009, Spring,Getting the Government to Pay for College
- Young Money Magazine, 2009, Summer, Business of Loan Forgiveness
- Young Money, 2008, 11/19, Is Being an Entrepreneur Right for you?
- Young Money, 2008, 12/10, The ABCs of Substitute Teaching
- Young Money, 2008, 12/11, The Election, Change and You
- Young Money, 2008, 12/24, Six Ways to Avoid those Extra Baggage Charges
- Young Money, 2008, 12/29, Who will Prepare your Taxes this Year?
- Young Money, 2009, 01/05, The Basics of Stock Market Investing
- Young Money, 2009, 01/14, Find a Stock Broker
- Young Money, 2009, 01/21, What's the Best Credit Card for You
- Young Money, 2009, 01/28, Community College or University?
- Young Money, 2009, 02/03, Study Abroad
- Young Money, 2009, 02/18, Fix, replace or repair
- Young Money, 2009, 03/18, Six Ways to Raise Money Savvy Kids
- Young Money, 2009, 03/25, Job Benefits
- Young Money, 2009, 04/08, Worried About the Future? Get Covered
- Young Money, 2009, 04/16, Beginners Guide to Dividends
- Young Money, 2009, 04/23, Find a Government Internship
- Young Money, 2009, 04/29, FDIC
- Young Money, 2009, 06/03, Investing in Gold
- Young Money, 2009, 06/11, Beyond Student Loans
- Young Money, 2009, 07/01, Filling out a W4 Form
- Young Money, 2009, 07/02, Being an Occupational Therapist
- Young Money, 2009, 09/09, Background Checks
- Young Money, 2009, 09/16, Obama health reform
- Young Money, 2009, 11/16, Funds for Online College
- Young Money, 2010, 01/06, Guide to Getting into Politics
- Young Money, 2010, 02/24, Live & Work in your College Town
- Young Money, 2010, 03/24, Career & Personality Tests
- Young Money, 2010, 05/28, Travel Destinations
- Young Money, 2010, 06/08, Work & Travel
- Young Money, 2010, 06/23, Become a Certified Coach
- Young MOney, 2010, 07/01, Become a Better Public Speaker
- Young Money, 2010, 07/06, Career in Law
- Young Money, 2010, 07/08, Your Credit Score
- Young Money, 2010, 07/10, Choosing the Right Checking Account
National Gallery of Writing Publications
- #1501828 A Career in Law
- #1501106 Adapting to Adaptive Equipment
- #1501931 Write an Excellent College Application Essay
- #1408918 Superior Camp Experience for Children
- #1501325 How to Keep Substitute Teachers Happy
In areas where termites are endemic (like here in California), no reputable exterminator would give a guarantee for more than a few years. The question isn't whether the termites will come back, but when.
We haven't had problems in the house (though it was tented when we bought it 25 years ago), but we have just replaced our gate and part of our fence, because the termite damage had gotten bad enough for one of the fence posts to fall over in the spring storms.
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